Our plans
Banbury Depot
Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to visit our website to give your views on our proposals.
Tarmac have been operating a construction material depot in Banbury, off Water Works Way for 30 years.
Having been in operation in Banbury for so long, and with the significant investment in infrastructure in the local area, Tarmac needs to improve their facilities on-site in order generally improve standards and to meet demand.
The depot is generally supplying local demand for construction materials (aggregates, asphalt and ready mix concrete), with the majority of the material being imported into the site by rail for onward distribution by road.
Historically, the site has supplied larger infrastructure projects such as the M40, and over the past three years, we have been looking to alter our operations, through planning applications, in order to accommodate further demand for construction materials on to national infrastructure projects. This has been particularly focused around HS2.
After previous applications were withdrawn due to change in demand from HS2, we are looking to make a number of small changes to our site and submit further applications.
We strongly believe that local residents should be properly consulted and offered the opportunity to provide us with their feedback. We have already contacted a number of key stakeholders to the site and hope to receive a wider response to the plans through this website.
Please take a look at the information below; we’re keen to hear your thoughts on what we have planned. If you do have any queries, please do feel free to contact us.

What is the background to this application?
Having been in operation in Banbury for so long, and with the significant investment in infrastructure in the local area, Tarmac need to improve their facilities on their site.
As a result, a series of three planning applications are to be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council.
Two planning applications have previously been submitted to Oxfordshire County Council but were subsequently withdrawn for various reasons; once to amend the application to respond to concerns raised by local residents and the second time in response to the changing demand from HS2.
We are now considering our options for the depot, prior to moving forward with plans to alter the layout of the depot to cater for the supply of material to HS2 and local construction works. We would welcome your thoughts on our plans.
What are we proposing now?
We understand the concerns of the local community, to the previously proposed changes in the operations on our site. As a result, we have reviewed our plans and minimised the number of changes we will need to make.
As a result, we will only be applying for planning permission for a small number of changes. These changes include:
This is a significant reduction in changes to the site from our previous applications. We hope that it will offer the community some reassurance that we have listened to their views.
While minimal, these changes will still enable double the number of jobs being created on the site and confirms Tarmac’s commitment to operating in Banbury.
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Highways and access
We want to ensure the access to and from the site is as safe as possible for pedestrians and vehicles, as well as to improve conditions for pedestrians/cyclists using Grimsbury Green. In order to achieve this, we are proposing to cut into the slope from our site up to the road. The access would then be enlarged to improve the safety and visibility of the junction.
In place of the current single weighbridge, there would be two weighbridges; one for vehicles entering the site and one for exiting vehicles. This should make the development safer for everyone passing by it, as well as those using it.
We know Grimsbury Green is often used by local cyclists and pedestrians and so as part of the scheme, we are proposing to develop a new pathway to improve connectivity in the area.
We understand that safe access to the site is of importance to existing residents. As a result, we have carried out an extensive Transport Assessment; during peak hours, out of peak hours, during school rush hour and out of school rush hours.
The Assessment has enabled us to have a clear understanding of the existing pressures on the road network surrounding the site, how we might be able to help alleviate some of these pressures and also identify the best access route into the site. Overall, the Transport Assessment has shown that the traffic associated with the development proposals would have a limited impact.
The number of HGV movements to and from the site varies considerably depending on demand and it is therefore difficult to give a definitive figure for this. For example, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the average daily movements were around 80 (40-in and 40-out). Movements ceased completely during the first lockdown and the site is still working well below capacity as a result of the current lockdown; however currently the site averages 120 movements per day.
It should be stressed that, under the planning permissions covering the asphalt and concrete plants, there are no current restrictions on HGV movements and, in theory, there could be just over 400 movements daily (200-in and 200-out) if the site were operating at maximum capacity. There will obviously be an increase in HGV movements at the site during the contract serving the HS2 construction sites, but this will not exceed 400 movements and is more likely to be a maximum of 348 movements (174-in and 174-out) per day. Again, daily movements are likely to fluctuate considerably during this time.
The current planning permissions covering the site allow operations at the site (including HGV movements) between the hours of 04:00 – 19:00 Monday to Saturday and 08:00 – 17:00 on Sunday but within those permitted hours, that actual operation of the depot is influenced by demand for products.
The new proposals will require hours of operation of 06:00 – 20:00 Monday to Friday, 06:00 – 15:00 on Saturdays and 08:00 – 15:00 on Sundays at Phase 1 (i.e. during the HS2 construction period). House of operation will revert back to those currently permitted at Phase 2 (i.e. post-HS2).
There should be no HGV movements to and from the site overnight (i.e. 20:00 – 06:00).
Ecology and Environment
We will ensure that the development is carefully and sensitively integrated into the existing area.
Landscaping and ecology are key to this and so we are developing a strategy that will see that the proposed development protects and enhances the landscaped embankment on the site frontage and supports the wildlife and habitats living close by.
Generally, we will look to mitigate any impacts of the development, including carefully managing any noise made from the operations with the introduction of noise barriers and screening, while enhancing the quality of landscape and ecology.
How are we listening to residents’ feedback?
Thank you for taking the time to look at our plans for Banbury. We want to create two-way engagement with the local community to ensure that we keep people up to date on our plans, and that people can feed back their thoughts and views to us.
To support our ongoing engagement at Banbury, we would welcome the opportunity to speak to residents and encourage you to get in touch with us.
While developing our plans, we have previously held Community Drop In events for residents. We have subsequently had a dedicated phoneline and address for residents to contact us on.
Unfortunately, due to the current Covid-19 global pandemic, it isn’t possible to hold a drop in event.
As a result, we would be grateful if you could get in touch with any comments you may have.
If you have a question to ask or want to contact a member of our site staff directly, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our community relations teams by using the following contact details